The History Of Scratch Cards, Full Of Luck And Success

Games of chance are full in some cases of mystery or unknown anecdotes. Many do not know the origin of the popular scratch cards, also known as scratch cards or scratch cards, which seduce people who want to try their luck, with the excitement of knowing instantly if they have won, without having to wait for a draw, lottery.

Its origin dates back to the 1960s, when many American grocery stores distributed wax-coated cards to their customers, with which they could win small prizes .

But even though the reward was negligible, the customers craved their rewards, scratch cards, hoping to receive immediate gratification.

In the early 1970s, computer scientist John Koza and his partner Daniel Bower, who had worked in the 1960s for one of the companies that printed these free scratch cards for grocery stores, realized that scratch games Lottery cards were becoming more and more popular in the United States and they came up with the idea of ​​turning low-value scratch cards into a product for the state lottery commissions that already existed at the time.

This is how in 1974, John Koza and Dan Bow, created the first computer capable of printing tickets and became the inventors of the modern scratch card game. For Koza , it was obvious that adding the instant win dimension was the big draw for lottery players.

When the first scratch cards went on sale in Boston, they were a resounding success. Queues of customers stretched along the streets, and sales exceeded the expectations of its creators, who quickly became rich men.

In the late 1980s, scientist Jerome Greenfield improved the quality of the cards by creating the non-toxic, water-based coating still used on scratch cards .

Currently, there are online scratch games that use animations and sound effects, which make the experience more interesting, emulating the exciting atmosphere of a casino.

Cryptocurrencies and gambling

The coronavirus pandemic affected different societies and their economies, with strong restrictions and forced lockdowns, in an effort to avoid contact between people. This critical health and economic situation has hit all sectors hard, but especially leisure and entertainment, which has sought alternatives to offer moments of fun , complying with safety and health recommendations. The Covid -19 health crisis has been essential for cryptocurrencies begin to gain weight within the world of games of chance and entertainment, without forgetting that virtual money is the new trend due to its high value due to supply and demand .

The presence of cryptocurrencies in the world of gambling is a new possibility that offers a “safer and reduced contact” gaming experience, since it avoids the use of cash. In the world of crypto assets, the number of bitcoins it is finite, since there cannot be more than 21 million coins and the cost of a single one of them can amount to more than 46,000 euros.

One piece of news that has boosted the dynamics of cryptocurrencies in games of chance, has been that the company International Game Technology, according to the records of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, received a patent for a system that would allow to players to transfer cryptocurrencies from their accounts to a “gaming establishment account”, be it casinos , gambling hallsor bingo halls.

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